Galina Dubrovin
05.01.1938 - 1997, Chisinau
1961 - graduated from the State Institute of Decorative Arts, Textile Faculty, Lvov, the Ukraine
Group Exhibitions in the Republic:
1978 - "Women - Plastic Artists from Moldova", Chisinau
Moldova Plastic Artists Exhibitions Abroad:
1991 - Sculpture, Moscow, Russian Federation
1993 - "Plastic Contemporary Art", Bucharest, Romania
The Girl from Beshalma , 1967, concrete, 51x20x39
The Portrait of Painter Odainic , 1982, plaster, 75,5x39x37
The Portrait of Poetess B.Ahmadulina , 1987, bronze, 80x30x40
The Idyll , 1994, bronze, 16,5x18x11
Thematic Sculpture "Blues" , 1993, bronze, 64x17x23
Torso , 1995, bronze, 53x13x13
Thematic Sculpture "In Mask" , bronze, 67x41x50
Critical Review:
G.Dubrovin's sculptural subjects embody her entire spiritual world created during the process of labour and sufferings, at leisure, from joys and sorrows.
Mathew Levenzon