Versiunea romanaGaleria virtuala a artei contemporane din Republica Moldova
The Virtual Gallery of the Contemporary Art from the Republic of Moldova
SculpturePaintingGraphic ArtsDecorative ArtsAlternative Arts

Alexandru Plamadeala

Claudia Cobizev

Lazar Dubinovschi

Alexandra Picunov

Galina Dubrovin

Valeriu Rotari

Tudor Cataraga

Ion Zderciuc

Valentin Vartosu

Mircea Puscas

  Alexandru Plamadeala

Alexandru Plamadeala
19.10.1888, Chisinau - 15.04.1940, Chisinau

1904-1908 - The Theological Seminary, Chisinau
1908-1911 - The Painting School, Chisinau
1912-1916 - The Higher Empire School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Moscow

Personal Exhibitions:
1998 - "Alexandru Plamadeala at 100", The State Arts Museum of the Moldavian SSR, Chisinau

Group Exhibitions:
1920 - Fine Arts, Chisinau
1922 - Plastic Artists from Bessarabia
1924-1930, 1934, 1935, 1938 - Official Art Salon, Bucharest
1925-1940 - Organization and Participation at 11 Art Salon of Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Engraving and Decorative Art, Chisinau
1930-1933 - Art Exhibitions of Drawing and Engraving, Bucharest
1939 - Fine Arts, Ialoveni, Bessarabia

Participations (workshops, creation camps, symposia):
1920 - Travel for documentation to Austria, France, Italy, Turkey
1926 - Travel for documentation to Ismail, Romania
1930 - The Workshop at the Curchi Monastery, Romania

Prizes :
1924 - The Prize of the Ministry of Cults and Arts of Romania
1938 - The Great Prize awarded by the Ministry of Cults and Arts for the work "The Woman's Torso"

1923 - The Order "Steaua Romaniei" (The Star of Romania)
1927 - The Order "Coroana Romaniei" (The Crown of Romania)

Sketch of Stephan the Great Monument, first variant, plaster 27.5x11.5
His Wife's Portrait, 1927, wood, 74x48x48
Milking of the Sheep, 1928, wood, 37x53x27
Woman's Nude, 1933, wood, 36x41x30
Woman's Nude, 1933, wood, 46x17x13
Portrait of a Girl /V.Tufescu/, 1934, wood, 54x48x28

Critical Review:
Al. Plamadeala, the frequent admirer of classical beauty, the promotor of sound traditions is worth to be considered one of the most important sculptors from Romania for his magnific artistic integrity.

Clement Morro, 1938

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