Versiunea romanaGaleria virtuala a artei contemporane din Republica Moldova
The Virtual Gallery of the Contemporary Art from the Republic of Moldova
SculpturePaintingGraphic ArtsDecorative ArtsAlternative Arts

Serghei Ciokolov

Valentina Neceaev

Nicolae Cotofan

Elena Rotaru

Maria Saca-Racila

Andrei Negura

Reta Chiperi

Irina Filip

Virgil Tecuci

Vlad Straticiuc

  Serghei Ciokolov

Serghei Ciokolov
17.09.1892, Moscow - 21.09.1977, Chisinau

1908-1914 - The "Stroganov" High School of Industrial Arts, Moscow

1945-1960 - experiences carpet weaving and participates at different exhibitions in the republic and the USSR
1960-1970 - successfully experiences with ceramics and participates at the Republican and International Exhibitions

Personal Exhibitions:
2002 - "S. Ciokolov at 110", the NationalArt Museum of Moldova, Chisinau

1972 - Laureate of the State Prize of the MSSR for the cycle of the decorative art created in 1976 - 1971

1967 - The People's Plastic Artist from the MSSR

Vase, 1958, ceramics, icing, 36x40
Battle, 1959, ceramics, icing, 39x36
Pitcher, 1959, ceramics, icing, 32x24
Vase "The Old Woman", 1959, ceramics, icing, 58x40x29
Vase, 1959, ceramics, icing, 50x40
Vase, 1964, terracotta, h-18
Candlestick, 1967, terracotta, h-43
Candlestick, 1968, terracotta, h-28
Small House, 1968, terracotta, h-70
Vase, 1969, terracotta

Critical Review:
S.Ciokolov's works from the 50-es fill with joy even today by their productive decorativity, by their bright colouring and by the game of bizarre, fantastic forms.

Raisa Aculov

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