1989-1994 - Universitatea Tehnica din Moldova, Chisinau
1995-2000 - Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Chisinau
1999 - Student la Jan Van Eyck Academy, Amsterdam, Olanda
Expozitii personale:
2001 - Gedankenaufnahme, Kunstbuero, Viena, Austria
Expozitii de grup:
1996 - "Kilometrul 6", Chisinau
1996 - Pune ochiul", Chisinau
1996 - "Matria-Europa", Olanda
1997 - "Ostranenie - 97", Dessau, Germania
1997 - "Mesaje de la Tzara. Reflectii in RE…", Chisinau
1998 - "Surasul Giocondei", Chisinau
1998 - "SPLIT", Split, Croatia
1998 - "Senses Test Station", Moscova, Rusia
1998 - "Periferic", Iasi, Romania
1998 - "Body and the East", Liubleana, Slovenia
1999 - "Viper", Lucern, Elvetia
1999 - "After the Wall", Stockholm, Suedia
1999 - "Transit Napoc'99", Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2000 - "Semne Identitare", Chisinau
2001 - "One Minute", Amsterdam, Olanda
2001 - "Art Biennale WRO 99", Wroclaw, Poland
2002 - "Documenta 11", Kassel, Germania
2002 - "Being all things to all people", Olanda
Participari (ateliere, tabere de creatie, simpozioane):
1997 - Bucuresti, Romania
1996-2001 - CarbonArt, Moldova